The PeakSpan 2024 Year in Review is Here!

Senior Leaders
Modern Treasury, Treasure, IntraFi

Treasury Management Panel

We are thrilled to welcome senior leaders from Modern Treasury, Treasure, and IntraFi to lead our next Master Class!

Recent banking instability has reinforced that the treasury management function should be top of mind for all operators, especially at the growth-stage, where access to cash resources are critical. Companies must equip themselves with tools to ensure that they can meet both short-term and long-term obligations, minimize fees / costs, and maximize returns safely on idle cash. Through primary research and a vetting process, the PeakSpan team has found Modern Treasury, Treasure, and IntraFi best positioned to assist with the treasury management needs of copanies at the emerging growth stage. During this panel, participants will hear from each vendor and get their pressing treasury management questions answered by these specialists.

Topics will include:

  • Product overview / offering, onboarding logistics, pricing, and risk management detail from each respective vendor
  • How to turn your idle cash into revenue
  • How to best manage your liquidity position
  • How to ensure that your money is secure
Senior Leaders