The PeakSpan 2024 Year in Review is Here!

Greg Casale
Founder & CEO of Reveneer

Supercharging Outbound Prospecting

In this session, Greg shares his rubric for building best-in-class outbound prospecting practices and inside sales operations and what you can specifically do to supercharge your outbound prospecting across three key pillars – people, process, and technology.

Greg Casale

Greg Casale is the founder and CEO of Reveneer, a leading provider of outsourced high velocity inside sales operations. Greg is a seasoned leader and sales executive with ~30-years of sales experience at organizations like Cisco, SightPath, PictureTel, DMOD, Starbak, and AppNeta. Greg is a 2x CEO and through Reveneer helped dozens (if not hundreds!) substantially accelerate growth through the application of best-in-class outbound prospecting and inside sales operations!
