GTM Year in Review Study is ready and available here!

Karen Chiang & Rashaqa Rahman

Measuring Value and its Impact on Customer Engagement

Karen and Rashaqa will spend an hour deep diving into how the value cycle (how organizations create, communicate, deliver, document and capture value through price) can enable your commercial and revenue operations team to position value - ensuring customer engagement and trust that positively impacts customer lifetime value.

A few discrete topics that Karen and Rashaqa will cover include:

  • How to establish a value-based culture
  • Creating a “value cycle” to optimally position value – from creation, communication, delivery, documentation, and value capture
  • Measuring and positioning value across the customer journey to create value-centric engagement. Specifically: some text
    • Positioning value during the customer buying process
    • Positioning value post-sales via customer success
Karen Chiang & Rashaqa Rahman

As a reminder, Karen is the co-founder of Ibbaka, a software platform and consultancy helping B2B SaaS companies drive growth by optimizing pricing, packaging, and customer lifetime value (CLTV). Rashaqa is a Senior Consultant at Ibbaka, specializing in pricing strategies for innovative companies. With a background in finance and a data-driven approach, she helps businesses enhance revenue, improve efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth.

In their previous Master Class, Karen and Rashaqa covered the fundamental aspects of building a value model, from understanding its significance to implementing practical steps and utilizing real-world examples. The session provided a comprehensive understanding of how a value model serves as the foundation for value-based pricing, benefiting various aspects of your business – sales, customer success, and product management.
