The PeakSpan 2024 Year in Review is Here!

Jessica DiLullo Herrin
Founder & CEO at Stella & Dot

Stella & Dot’s Start-Up to Scale-Up Journey & Leadership Lessons Learned

Jessica will spend an hour deep-diving into hyper-scaling a business beyond its inception in this session. She’ll talk about what it took to take a business with ~$2M in funding to $200M+ in sales and drive profitability every step of the way. She’ll also address how to navigate radical change in radical times.

Other topics Jessica will cover include:

  • Leadership lessons learned and trusting your gut
  • Building a world-class team
  • Finding unexpected strategic wins
  • Expanding brands, product categories, and sales channels
Jessica DiLullo Herrin

Jessica certainly needs NO introduction! She is a best-selling author and serial entrepreneur. As the Founder & CEO of the Stella & Dot Family of Brands: Stella & Dot, EVER Skincare, Jessica led a team to digitize and revolutionize the $100B+ global direct selling industry, with the mission to revolutionize entrepreneurial opportunities for women. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune and the New York Times, on the View, in InStyle, and on The Today Show, Stella & Dot Brands paid out well over $500M+ in flexible earnings to independent business owners and developed a social selling e-commerce platform, which it sold in 2023. Suffice it to say, she is an exceptional founder, scale-up CEO, and one of our generation's most inspiring business leaders. Jessica is currently launching her next big adventure in the women’s healthcare space.
