GTM Year in Review Study is ready and available here!


B2B software companies facilitate the connection between people and the traditionally inaccessible yet critical aspects of their lives. Specifically, supporting the development of state-of-the-art technologies in the digital health and supply chain industries helps make everyday users’ lives just a little easier. I’m so excited to be able to help make that a reality alongside the PeakSpan team!


Eavan joined PeakSpan in 2024 after interning at the firm the previous 2 summers. During her latter internship, Eavan worked with PeakSpan’s portfolio company Stylitics, learning directly from the business development team through the expansion of their group. Eavan graduated Magna Cum Laude from Duke University with a B.S.E in Biomedical Engineering and a minor in Economics. At Duke, Eavan was the president of Duke University Improv and a member of the technology committee of Duke’s Business-Oriented Women group. Outside of the office, Eavan loves to hike, travel, and explore the New York City restaurant scene.

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