The PeakSpan 2024 Year in Review is Here!

Apr 4, 2016

PeakSpan Capital Co-Founder on Big Data, Big Dips and Software Investing

Originally posted

PeakSpan Capital co-founder Phil Dur spoke to Cromwell Schubarth at Silicon Valley Business Journal about PeakSpan’s highly focused, data-driven approach to to finding the startups they back:

“We are a growth equity firm with a very, very simple mission. We only focus on business software. Obviously, it’s a pretty large category. It’s $350 billion in spending in the U.S. alone, with over 100,000 companies and it grows three times faster than U.S. GDP adds per year.”

On how they leverage Big Data:

“We have data and company profiles for over 80,000 private software companies now, and growing. We think it is an enormous advantage in prosecuting our strategy.”